Welcome to ScoreSheet's newest feature: The Scoring Stage.

This is an ongoing series of articles, each highlighting a well-known score.  These pages contain definitive musical analyses of each work, complete with excerpts from the printed scores, sound clips, and special polls.  In other words, a ScoringStage article is like a hugely expanded version of a typical ScoreSheet review.  The Scoring Stage only features complete scores, whether or not an expanded edition is commercially available.

Future candidates for this treatment include Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Total Recall, Gremlins, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, all of the Star Wars, The Matrix, The Mummy, Alien, Psycho, Vertigo, and many more.  All will be newly rewritten and enhanced, even if the site has already reviewed them.

Currently Featured on the Scoring Stage:


The Ultimate Guide to John Williams'

Superman by John Williams

Due to the length of a few of the musical examples, a 1024x768 viewing resolution is recommended for this article.

JAWS by John Williams